Since 2010, ATALIAN has been committed to a responsible approach in support of sustainable development and has integrated the principles and structure of the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility standard into its operations.
The Group strives to ensure that these principles are respected internally and in its relations with external stakeholders: customers, suppliers, service providers, subcontractors and partners as well as the communities impacted by its activities.
It’s one of the reasons why we aim to communicate our CSR practices as transparently as possible. Each year, as a member of the United Nations Global Compact, we publish our Communication on Progress.
The Report provides a transparent account of all CSR actions undertaken by the Group worldwide. And now, looking ahead to the future, we are determined to go even further and beyond with ambitious goals to reach by 2030.
None of this would have been possible without the direct support and efforts of our 123,600 employees worldwide! Thank you, all!
Access the Report by clicking on the button below.